TIGRAY :: ትግራይ
Resources Directory
Below is a concentrated directory listing a few resources, action items, organizations for donations, personal stories, and shops dedicated to bringing an end to Tigray Genocide.
“On November 4th, 2020, unelected Prime Minister of Ethiopia Abiy Ahmed declared a genocidal war on Tigray, the northernmost regional state of Ethiopia, in collaboration with President of Eritrea Isaias Afwerki. Since then, his administration has limited and/or blocked access to electricity, aid, food, and water for millions of Tigrayan civilians. Under leadership of Abiy and Isaias, Ethiopian troops, Eritrean troops and Amhara Militias have committed significant war crimes and ethnic cleansing, from massacring civilians, weaponizing starvation and weaponizing sexual and gender based violence against women and girls.
In response to the genocidal war, Omna Tigray was created with a focus on educated advocacy and economic development for Tigrayans. Join our global movement, and help us call for an end to the Tigray Genocide.” -Omna Tigray
Interactive 3D Tigray Map by Tigray Archive
An amazing 3d Interactive and informative map of Tigray by Tigray Archive. Scroll and be flown through Tigray’s cities, its history and what has taken place there during the war.
For Tegaru to have a chance today and in the future, it is imperative that we act now and continue to apply pressure to the international community through our advocacy for a real action to take place. This looks like writing letters to your state representatives, participating in twitter campaigns, and continuing to be active on social media and any chance you get to help raise awareness about the Tigray Genocide. Here are resources to start this now:
While the blockade has made it increasingly difficult to get aid into Tigray, some organizations have still managed to find a way to get aid to civilians, as well as improve the quality of life for refugees in Sudan:
Health Professionals Network for Tigray: Health Professionals Network for Tigray (HPN4Tigray) is a nonprofit, and non-partisan organization that is committed to improving access to healthcare. The organisation aims to provide support for the unmet humanitarian needs in Tigray, the northernmost region of Ethiopia. In November 2020, HPN4Tigray was founded by a group of doctors and other professionals in the United States in response to the human suffering caused by the ongoing war on Tigray. Donate Here
Asmlash Grant Foundation: The Asmlash-Grant Foundation is dedicated to changing the lives of Tigrayans from refugee camps in Sudan to war-torn Tigray. The Asmlash-Grant Foundation was founded in September 2014 by Suzani Asmlash Grant and Gary W. Grant. The Asmlash-Grant Foundation is a nonprofit independent international humanitarian aid organization. Donate here
Ahwatna Relief: Ahwatna’s mission is to provide medical aid, financial support, food security and other basic life necessities to the displaced people of Tigray with a specific focus on women who have survived SGBV as a direct result of the war. We’re a team of volunteer women helping women from all corners of Tigray. So far we have been able to reach the IDP centers in Mekelle, Shire, Axum, Adigrat, Wukro, Maichew, Mai Tsebri, and Adwa.
Donate here
Tigray Action Committee: Tigray Action Committee was founded in January 2021 by Maebel and Hawzien Gebremedhin as a response to the Tigray Genocide. Tigray Action Committee has a three point mission. Awareness: It is imperative that the world knows what is happening to the innocent civilians of Tigray. Action: Tigray Genocide must be stopped, Action must be taken to end the on going genocide as well as ensure that it never happens again.Building: T.A.C is dedicated to building a better, brighter Tigray. Donate Here
The Tigray Diaspora has been resilient in online advocacy fundraising, organizing and protesting despite this painful time. Here are some businesses that sell art, jewelry, shirts and more merchandise where 100% proceeds go to Tigray:
“Since the launch of Te’Shelima I’ve been blessed to be able to leverage my platform to spread love to others through giving back. Over the last year alone, together with you and many individuals and organizations around the world, we’ve been able to raise over $10,000 through online sales, jewelry donations for fundraising events, contribution matching and my GoFundMe campaign. All proceeds were donated to help the people of Tigray, Ethiopia and Tigrayan refugees in Sudan affected by the genocidal war waged on the region over the last 392 days. ”
Shop Konjo
“We are a female-powered and mission driven philanthropic brand that believes our creativity, awareness, action, and investment will lead to the change we want to see.100% of proceeds are donated to help victims in Tigray through our partners: CanadaHelps.org, HPN4Tigray.org, and Ahwatna Relief Organization. Doing good, looks good on you.”
Free Tigray
“FREE TIGRAY is a global movement mobilizing toward an independent Tigray. All net proceeds go toward our efforts to supply food & medical aid to internally and externally displaced Tigrayans.”
“100% of the profit goes to helping our people and rebuilding Tigray.”
Make Injera Not War
“We are a collective of diaspora women with Tigrayan roots dedicated to humanitarian efforts. Some of us were born as refugees in Sudan while others were born in the US to parents who escaped the Derg's war in the ’80s. The current war on Tigray and genocide is something we understand too well. We are living proof of the last devastating humanitarian crisis in Ethiopia. Given our personal ties, we knew we couldn't stand by, so we moved to action and started organizing immediately. This project is dear to our hearts and very much a labor of love. We deeply appreciate your support.”
Eagle Screen Printing: Tigray Will Prevail by Elizabeth Abraha
“90% of proceeds will be donated to relief funds for the Tigrayan People. This is a tangible way for you to support The Tigrayan people and fight against the inhumanity that is taking place.”
Read personal family stories of past and present, shared by Tegaru Diaspora published in popular media
“In 2013, my father decided to move back to a stabilized and thriving Tigray. After the Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front was formed in 1991, the country began experiencing a kind of economic prosperity it hadn’t seen in decades. He had dreams of building businesses, retiring, and living a life of peace at home. He could speak his native tongue freely, eat his favorite foods, and drink coffee with his mother. That changed on November 4. When the Ethiopian government began bombing my father’s hometown, he was once again forced to flee. When the communication lines in Tigray were momentarily open, my father told me the men and boys in our family were being targeted by Ethiopian soldiers, and the women hid indoors for fear of being raped. Like my grandfather, he took multiple trips and traversed many miles through active combat zones to get himself and other family members to the relative safety of Tigray’s capital, Mekelle.”
“On the few occasions in which phone lines have been sporadically open in Tigray, we rush to get through to our families. One morning, we dialed my aunt’s number. The anticipation twisted our stomachs with anxiety. Upon hearing her voice, relief, joy, and grief enveloped our bodies. Hesitantly, we asked how they were doing. With profound sadness, she informed us that my grandmother had passed two months prior. Two months.
Two months delayed, my family learned a piece of us was gone. My mother felt like a stranger to her own mother’s death due to her inability to access Tigray. She had also lost the ability to grieve in harmony with her family. The inhumanity laced through every layer of the genocide continues to leave me speechless.”
To suggest additions to the directory, please email tesfayetra@gmail.com ::